Mr. Franklin is a recently hired teacher specializing in engineering at Alvin High School.
Before Franklin became a teacher , he was a part of the military then switched to a position where he was training other troops. Franklin thought that training troops would have similar qualities to teaching a middle school classroom . “I could not walk into the building and act like Staff Sergeant Franklin , I couldn’t do it , students don’t respond like soldiers do,” Franklin said .
Franklin decided to join education because he was dared by his wife to become a teacher and he took it on!
“ She’s like alright smarty pants, you have a bachelor’s degree in general studies education , you teach since it’s so easy…”
Being a teacher has its pros and cons and Franklin has a couple of his own !
“The best thing about becoming a teacher is the time I get to spend with my family and being able to plan vacations , the worst part of being a teacher is classroom management, “said Franklin .
Experiencing nature and outdoors activities are things Franklin enjoys in his downtime. “I like to take a fishing pole to salt water and see if I can catch fish , and I also like to play catch with my dog,” Franklin said .