Yesterday, Small Animal Management students and agriculture students learned about care of different species of pets from campus staff. Journalism and Audio Visual Production students also participated by reporting on the event. The event was put together by Small Animal Management teacher, Victoria Espinoza.
“I know many staff members who have pets, and some of them are considered exotic,” Espinoza said. ” I wanted to create a day when those animals could be brought to school and the students could meet them all and learn the responsibilities needed to care for the animals. It was fun to have other content area classes join in on our lesson, as well.”
Students were joined by Kobi, the Sulcata tortoise owned by publications adviser Jessica Tompkins; Rowdy, a mini Australian Shepard puppy, brought by agriculture teacher Kinsey Pawlosky and Kiki the ball python, brought by floral design teacher Courtney Webb. Pawlosky also introduced the Leopard Gecko, named Tostino.
Each owner presented the pets and explained daily care routines about each animal. Students then had time to visit with each animal and ask more questions.