If Senior Year Was A Person……

    I speak for all of the seniors on campus when I say that this was not how we imagined it to be like. I bet if we had even the slightest clue that this was going to happen, most of us wouldn’t have spent so much time and money towards things like prom, senior trip, and caps and gowns. The unexpected happened to the class of 2020, but senior year is not to blame. 

      I got to talk to a couple of our seniors, and I asked one simple question, “if senior year was a person, what would you ask or tell them?”

       The responses I received were slightly unexpected for me, and  I was really expecting to see a lot of anger.  However, instead, I saw kindness and forgiveness. I was brought to the understanding that senior year has not been the most fun for this graduating class, but it is not senior year that is the root of the problem, for senior year is more of a victim in the whole situation.  Here is what our seniors had to say;

     “If senior year was a person I would ask them, why did you go by so fast?”- Whitney Barham

     “If senior year was a person I would tell them to wake up on the right side of the bed next time.” – Axel Valdez 

    “If senior year was a person I would ask them if we were able to continue the rest of the year back at school, would it be worth going back?” – Caleb Flores

     “If senior year was a person I would tell them that they disappeared really fast, and that I am sad I never got the time to enjoy you and make the memories I had looked forward to for years.” – Dulce Maxwell

    “If senior year was a person I would ask them, what is it like in the real world and what advice would you give to us to help us out in the long run?” – Ashlyn Howell 

    “If senior year was a person I would ask them why us?” – Daniel Perez



Story By: Clarion Editor Clarice Orozco


courtesy Photo
Senior Ashlyn Howell shares her feelings about her shortened senior year.